
Welcome to GUNALYSIS

GUNALYSIS is, primarily, a place to learn about and analyze guns. 

Not just the machines themselves, but the history, tradition, and culture surrounding them, the people who use them and for what purposes, and the laws regarding them.

Guns and the 2nd Amendment are the most hotly debated and legally contested of our Constitutional rights. I aim to clear up the misconceptions, misinformation, and misuse of terms used in these debates and laws, as well as positively affect a change within the gun community to educate, rather than debate and deride those who disagree with us. 

Because this will be a gun-centric site, I'll also do some of the usual gun-related entertainment content, but those articles will be far less in depth than my educational content. 

Legal Disclaimer:

Nothing said by, or related to GUNALYSIS, or the authors or guests thereof, shall be construed or misconstrued as calling for any violent actions against peoples, places, things, organizations, corporations, or governments. 

Any scenarios presented are HYPOTHETICAL and THEORETICAL in nature, for the express purpose of creating EDUCATIONAL and/or ENTERTAINING content. 

GUNALYSIS is not an unsanctioned militia, a shooting club, or any such organization. It is an education and entertainment blog and podcast.

DO NOT do anything stupid, and then tell law enforcement that GUNALYSIS told you to do so, because this is me, telling you NOT to do so.